This beauty was purchased for exactly 10 smackaroo's at the same garage sale as my clutch hutch. It had these unique lines carved slightly into the wood. I sanded it down (always the funnest part) SIKE! Then taped off triangles. I mostly did this project for fun, not really thinking I would be able to sell it. I did it to practice and be crazy a little. My husband didn't think it was a very good looking table, but he supported my crazy hair nontheless. Is that one word? If not it should be... I was told that this table looked liked something from the movie "Alice in Wonderland " Well after my 2 year old got a hold of it and painted some purple all over it I went over it one more time and came out with something that's not quite "my style" but was super fun and eye catching. This table here sold for $45 forty five minutes after posting it on craigslist. Go figure!
It's cute and fun!